Main page: Living arrangements, people served, Medicaid

Medicaid Waivers include 1115 Demonstration Waivers, 1915(a, b, and b/c Managed Care Waivers) and 1915(c) Home and Community Based Waivers. 

Please cite all data and information obtained from this website as RISP content with the website url (i.e. Residential Information Systems Project (2020). [Page Name]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, RISP, Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration.. Retreived from: unless there is a more specific citation for the resource used. Please contact us if you are not sure how to site the information. 

Compare States: Waiver Recipients

Waiver Recipients

Waiver Expenditures

Waiver Average Cost per Person

Compare States: Waiver Average Cost Per Person

Waiting for Medicaid Waivers

Waiting for Waiver Compared to Waiver Recipients and ICF/IID Residents

Percent Waiting for Waivers by State

Compare States: Percent Waiting for Waivers

How to use these charts

Select the state(s), and/or years(s) to view for each chart. 

  • Click on the drop down boxes to see available options for each chart
  • Click to select one or more options. Bar charts can select one state at a time. Line charts may have the option for one or more states.
    • When you change the state on one chart, other charts will also change to that state or set of states.
  • Some charts include the option to choose more than one year or more than one state for comparison 
  • In graphs or charts with missing data for a year or a state, data are not included in the selection list.

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  • Hover over a line or bar to see details about the data element
  • Change the data using the drop down menus on the upper left corner of each chart
  • Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see definitions, abbreviations, and footnotes. Notes may also be contained on each data element.
  • A value of zero is used to indicate that a state reported zero. Missing data are indicated by blank spaces with no value labels

Download information

  • Click on the download button located in the lower right corner of each chart to view the available options
    • Image: produces a graphic showing the chart (after exporting, one can crop off the menu bars at the top)
    • PDF: produces a document in PDF format
    • Crosstabs, data and tableau workbook are not available for download by chart, but an overall crosstab of data elements with the ability to customize your selection is available. If you want raw data, please contact
    • Please retain the RISP logo on charts. 

Preparation of this presentation was supported, in part, by a cooperative agreement (90DN0297) from the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Administration for Children and Families, and a grant (#H133B080005) from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore necessarily represent official AIDD or NIDRR policy.

Larson, S.A., Eschenbacher, H.J., Anderson, L.L., Taylor, B., Pettingell, S., Hewitt, A., Sowers, M., & Bourne, M.L. (2018). In-Home and Residential Long-Term Supports and Services for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and trends through 2016 PDF. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration.


Medicaid Waiver: Funding authorized in Sections 1115; 1915 (a) (b) (b/c); or 1915 (c) of the Social Security Act. The Medicaid website maintains a detailed list of Medicaid waivers by state

Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID): Medicaid-funded institutions housing four or more people with IDD in which 24 hour supports and services are provided. The annual cost of ICF/IID settings includes food, shelter and clothing as well as comprehensive and individualized health care, rehabilitation and habilitation services

Abbreviations and notes:

  • *: See State notes in the Appendix of the RISP report
  • b: Nonstate settings reported, but not state settings.
  • c: State settings reported, but not nonstate settings.
  • d: Other date than June 30 of the reporting fiscal year
  • DNF: Did Not Furnish
  • e: Estimate from the state
  • i: Imputed Estimate generated based on provided data
  • PD: Partial Data
  • s: Other Source (see the full report PDF for citations and details)

List of Available Charts

Chart Gallery main page

  • Living Arrangements
    • Long-Term Supports and Services (LTSS) Recipients by Setting Type and Year

    • Compare States: Percent of LTSS Recipients by Setting Type

    • Living Arrangements of LTSS Recipients by Fiscal Year Over Time

    • People with IDD in Nursing Home and Psychiatric Facilities

  • People Served by IDD Agencies

    • People Served by IDD Agencies by Fiscal Year

    • People Served by State IDD Agencies per 100,000 of the Population

    • Long-Term Supports and Services Recipients

  • Medicaid 

    • Medicaid Recipients by Funding Authority 1982-2016

    • Medicaid Expenditures by Funding Authority 1982-2016

    • Medicaid Average Cost per Person by Funding Authority 1982-2016

    • Medicaid Average Cost per Person by Age

    • Waiting for Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid Waiver

  • Compare States: Waiver Recipients per 100,000

  • Waiver Recipients

  • Waiver Expenditures

  • Waiver Average Cost per Person

  • Compare States: Waiver Average Cost Per Person

  • Waiting for Medicaid Waivers

    • Waiting for Waiver Compared to Waiver Recipients and ICF/IID Residents

    • Percent Waiting for Waivers by State

    • Compare States: Percent Waiting for Waivers

Medicaid ICF/IID

  • Compare States: ICF/IID Residents per 100,000

  • ICF/IID Residents

  • ICF/IID Expenditures

  • ICF/IID Average Cost Per Person

  • Compare States: ICF/IID Average Cost per Person