Cited Sources
The following list of data sources have been used in RISP reports over time.
Medicaid Expenditure Additional Data Source (FY 2009-2014)
- Eiken, S., Sredl, K., Burwell, B., Saucier, P. (2016, April 15). Medicaid expenditures for long-term supports and services (LTSS) in FY 2014. Washington, DC: Truven Analytics. Retrieved from:
Medicaid Expenditure Additional Data Source (FY 2008-2013, FY1980-1989)
- Eiken, S., Sredl, K., Burwell, B., & Saucier, P. (2015). Medicaid expenditures for long-term services and supports (LTSS) in FY 2013: Home and Community-Based Services were a majority of LTSS spending. Ann Arbor, MI: Truven Health Analytics.
- Eiken, S. (2015). ICF/IID Expenditures: 1980 through 1989 from CMS 64 reports. Personal Communication.
Medicaid Expenditure Additional Data Source (FY 2007-2012)
- Eiken, S., Sredl, K., Gold, L., Kasten, J., Burwell, B., and Saucier, P. (2014). Medicaid Expenditures for long-term services and supports in FY 2012. Cambridge, MA: Thomson Reuters; Washington, DC: Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
Medicaid Expenditure Additional Data Source (FY 2011)
- Eiken, S., Sredl, K., Gold, L., Kasten, J., Burwell, B., & Saucier, P. (2013, October). Medicaid Expenditures for Long Term Services and Supports in 2011. Truven.
Medicaid Waiver Expenditure Data Source (FY 2010)
- Eiken, S, Burwell, B., Gold, L. & Sredl, K. (2011). Medicaid 1915(c) Waiver Expenditures: 2011 Update Period. Cambridge, MA: Thompson Reuters.
- Eiken, S., Sredl, K., Burwell, B., and Gold, L. (2011, October). Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports: 2011 Update. Cambridge, MA: Thomson Reuters.
Medicaid Expenditure Data Source (FY 2009)
- Eiken, S., Sredl, K., Burwell, B., and Gold, L. (2010, August). Medicaid Long-Term Care Expenditures in FY 2009. Cambridge, MA: Thomson Reuters.
Medicaid Expenditure Additional Data Source (FY 2006)
- Burwell, B., Sredl, K., Eiken, S. (2007). Medicaid Long-Term Care Expenditures in FY 2006. Cambridge, MA: Thomson Reuters.
Medicaid Expenditure Data Source (FY 2004)
- Medicaid ICF/IID Expenditure Data Source (FY 2001-2006)
Medicaid ICF/IID Expenditure Data Source (FY 2000)
- Burwell, B. (2001). Table B Medicaid ICF-MR expenditures by state FY 1995 to FY 2000: Data from the HCFA 64 report. The Medstat Group.
Medicaid ICF/IID Expenditure Data Source (FY 1998, FY 1994-1999)
- Burwell, B. (1999, April). Medicaid Long Term Expenditures in FY 1998. Cambridge, MA: The MEDSTAT Group.
- Burwell, B. (1999, April). Medicaid Long Term Expenditures in FY 1999. Cambridge, MA: The MEDSTAT Group. Medicaid ICF-MR expenditures by state FY 1995 to FY 2000: Data from the HCFA 64 report. The Medstat Group.
Medicaid ICF/IID Expenditure Data Source (FY 1993)
- Burwell, B. (1994, February). Medicaid Long Term Expenditures in FY 1993. Cambridge, MA: SysteMetrics A MEDSTAT Division.
Medicaid Waiver Expenditure Data Source (FY 1992)
- Burwell, B. (1993). Personal Communication with K. Charlie Lakin.
Medicaid Waiver Expenditure Data Source (FY 1982-1991)
- Smith & Gettings (1991). The Waiver Program and Services for People with Developmental Disabilities: An Update. Alexandria, VA: National Association of State Mental Retardation Program Directors, Inc.
Medicaid ICF/IID Expenditure Data Source (FY 1990-1991)
- Burwell, B. (1992, January). Medicaid Long Term Expenditures for FY 1991. Lexington, MA: Systemetrics/McGraw-Hill.
Historic Data Sources (pre-1977)
- Data on state IDD and psychiatric facilities for 1950 to 1968 from the National Institute of Mental Health’s surveys of “Patients in Institutions”
- Data on state IDD facilities for FYs 1969 and 1970 from surveys conducted by the Office on Mental Retardation Coordination, now AIDD
- Data on large state IDD facilities for 1971 through 1977 from surveys of the National Association of Superintendents of Public Residential Facilities for People with Mental Retardation, now the APDDA; and
- Data on psychiatric facilities for 1969 to 1977 come from the National Institute of Mental Health’s surveys of “Patients in State and County Mental Hospitals.”